#15 My Porno Project – Cum on Cam

…a cyber friend inspired me for My Porno Project #15, so the above drawing is for him…

…main theme of My Porno Project #15 was paraphilias. I think that “Cum on Cam” is a contemporary form of paraphilia since it involves cyber exhibitionism/voyeurism

Exhibitionism can also be manipulated for activistic/political causes. Hence, the existence of Ukrainian protest group FEMEN who act “against sex tourists, international marriage agencies, sexism and other social, national and international ills.” (Wikipedia)

The above drawing is for the purpose of satisfying your Pictophilia: Sexual arousal gained from pornographic pictures or art… Enjoy!

You can listen to My Porno Project here: #15 cum on cam or my Homepage/Listen to My Porno Project (only in Greek)


Don’t forget to take a look at Alain de Benoist’s “25 Ethical Principles” through the Greek BDSM community (only in Greek)

Tuesday is my favourite day of the week!

…tomorrow on My Porno Project #15 – Cum on Cam – we talk live from the studio of Beton7 art radio, about paraphilias… classic and contemporary…! Special foot fetish section inspired by an anonymous “participant” of My Porno Project. Music by Lambros Bassaras. Can “hardly” wait…